Assign modules on offcanvas module position to make them visible in the sidebar.

Main Menu

Dynamisch -  Attraktiv -  Aktuell

This Joomla template is using fully responsive layout that adjusts to various screens: desktops, tablets or mobiles.
EF4 Framework includes Layout Builder tool which allows you to customize template layout for different screen dimensions.


Module positions for normal and large screen usually desktop and tablet landscape (980px and higher)


Module positions for normal and large screen

Check out more details about layout customization!


Module positions for medium screen usually tablet (768px-979px)


Module positions for medium screen

Check out more details about layout customization!


Module positions for small screen usually tablet portrait and mobile landscape (481px-767px)


Module positions for small screen

Check out more details about layout customization!


Module positions for extra small screen usually mobile portrait (480px and smaller)


Module positions for extra small screen

Check out more details about layout customization!

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